2020 DATC Distinguished Institution Award
Presented to:
Honeywell, Inc.
In recognition of your generous and continuous support to the AIAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee & its initiatives: the DASC, the ICNS, and the Endowment Scholarship.

Best Paper of Conference - Sponsored by Mitre CASSD
The David Lubkowski Award For Advancement In Digital Avionics presented to:
Human-System Interaction Issues and Proposed Solutions to Promote Successful Maturation of the UTM System
Cynthia Wolter, SJSURF* at NASA Ames
Lynne Martin, NASA Ames
Kimberly Jobe, SJSURF* at NASA Ames
Best of Track & Session
Special Topics & Space Systems
A Lean and Highly-Automated Model-Based Software Development Process Based on DO-178C/DO-331
Konstantin Dmitriev, Shanza Ali Zafar, Kevin Schmiechen, Yi Lai, Micheal Saleab, Pranav Nagarajan, Daniel Dollinger, Markus Hochstrasser, Florian Holzapfel, and Stephan Myschik
{1}Technical University of Munich, Germany; {2}Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Integrated Modular Avionics
Run-Time Assurance for Learning-Based Aircraft Taxiing
Darren Cofer, Isaac Amundson, Ramachandra Sattigeri, Arjun Passi, Christopher Boggs, Eric Smith, Limei Gilham, Taejoon Byun, and Sanjai Rayadurgam
{1}Collins Aerospace, United States; {2}Kestrel Institute, United States; {3}University of Minnesota, United States
Air Traffic Management: Machine Learning & Automation
OpenSky Report 2020: Analysing in-Flight Emergencies Using Big Data
Xavier Olive, Axel Tanner, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Metin Feridun, Allan Tart, Ivan Martinovic, and Vincent Lenders
{1}armasuisse, Switzerland; {2}IBM Research, Switzerland; {3}ONERA, France; {4}OpenSky Network, Estonia; {5}Oxford University, United Kingdom; {6}Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
Cyber Security and Software
Comparing Different Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Flavors for LDACS
Nils Mäurer, Thomas Gräupl, Christoph Gentsch, and Corinna Schmitt
{1}German Aerospace Center, Germany; {2}Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Airspace & Spectrum Management
ATD-2 Phase 3 Scheduling in a Metroplex Environment Incorporating Trajectory Option Sets
William Jeremy Coupe, Yoon Jung, Liang Chen, and Isaac Robeson
{1}Moffett Technologies Incorporated, United States; {2}Mosaic ATM, Inc., United States; {3}NASA Ames Research Center, United States
Flight Procedures Automation: Towards Flight Autonomy in Manned Aircraft
Césár Álvarez, María Isabel González, and Alejandro Gracia, Airbus Defence and Space, Spain
Human Factors
Human-System Interaction Issues and Proposed Solutions to Promote Successful Maturation of the UTM System
Cynthia Wolter, Lynne Martin, and Kimberly Jobe
{1}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {2}San José State University / NASA Ames Research Center, United States
UAS Traffic Management
Navigation-Aware Path Planning for Multiple UAVs in Urban Environment
Flavia Causa and Giancarmine Fasano, University of Naples, Federico II, Italy
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Terrain Referenced Integrity Monitor for an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Precision Approach
Andrew Videmsek and Maarten Uijt de Haag
{1}General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., United States; {2}Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance and Information Networks
On the Vulnerability of Random Access Channels in Aeronautical Communications
Daniel Maximilian Mielke and Thomas Gräupl, German Aerospace Center, Germany
Safety, Certification, and Design Assurance
A Lean and Highly-Automated Model-Based Software Development Process Based on DO-178C/DO-331
Konstantin Dmitriev, Shanza Ali Zafar, Kevin Schmiechen, Yi Lai, Micheal Saleab, Pranav Nagarajan, Daniel Dollinger, Markus Hochstrasser, Florian Holzapfel, and Stephan Myschik
{1}Technical University of Munich, Germany; {2}Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Taking Autonomy Out-of-the-Loop – Novel Methodology for the Development and Automated Operation of UAS in Integrated Airspace
Pranav Nagarajan, Markus Maly, Jerg Jaisle, Paul Gesting, Rasmus Steffensen, Maximilian Wechner, Daniel Gierszewski, Christoph Krammer, and Florian Holzapfel
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Runtime Assurance
Run-Time Assurance for Learning-Based Aircraft Taxiing
Darren Cofer, Isaac Amundson, Ramachandra Sattigeri, Arjun Passi, Christopher Boggs, Eric Smith, Limei Gilham, Taejoon Byun, and Sanjai Rayadurgam
{1}Collins Aerospace, United States; {2}Kestrel Institute, United States; {3}University of Minnesota, United States
Displays I
Impact of ATD-2 Tools on Human Factor Metrics at Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Bonny Parke, Deborah Bakowski, Savita Verma, Eric Chevalley, Yoon Jung, Lynne Martin, Kimberly Jobe, and Lindsay Stevens
{1}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {2}San José State University / NASA Ames Research Center, United States
Surface Movement Management
Strategic Surface Metering at Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Isaac Robeson, William Jeremy Coupe, Hanbong Lee, Yoon Jung, Liang Chen, Leonard Bagasol, Bob Staudenmeier, and Pete Slattery
{1}Cavan Solutions, United States; {2}Moffett Technologies Incorporated, United States; {3}Mosaic ATM, Inc., United States; {4}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {5}Universities Space Research Association, United States
Evaluation of Onboard System State and Path Awareness Technologies During Transport Operations
Timothy Etherington, Lynda Kramer, Renee Lake, Thomas Schnell, Randall Mumaw, Lance Sherry, Mathew Cover, and Tom Evans
{1}George Mason University, United States; {2}NASA Langley Research Center, United States; {3}San Jose State University, United States; {4}University of Iowa, United States
Flow Management - Applications
OpenSky Report 2020: Analysing in-Flight Emergencies Using Big Data
Xavier Olive, Axel Tanner, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Metin Feridun, Allan Tart, Ivan Martinovic, and Vincent Lenders
{1}armasuisse, Switzerland; {2}IBM Research, Switzerland; {3}ONERA, France; {4}OpenSky Network, Estonia; {5}Oxford University, United Kingdom; {6}Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
Autonomous Spacecraft Inspection with Free-Flying Drones
Sami Mian, Tyler Garrett, Alexander Glandon, Christopher Manderino, Swee Balachandran, César Muñoz, and Chester Dolph
{1}NASA Langley Research Center, United States; {2}National Institute of Aerospace, United States; {3}Old Dominion University, United States; {4}University of Pittsburgh, United States
Validation & Verification
Adaptive Stress Testing of Trajectory Predictions in Flight Management Systems
Robert Moss, Ritchie Lee, Nicholas Visser, Joachim Hochwarth, James Lopez, and Mykel J. Kochenderfer
{1}GE Aviation, United States; {2}GE Global Research Center, United States; {3}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {4}Stanford University, United States
Fundamentals of IMA Assurance
Holistic IMA Platform Configuration Using Web-Technologies and a Domain-Specific Model Query Language
Bjoern Annighoefer, Matthias Brunner, Julian Schoepf, Bastian Luettig, Matthieu Merckling, and Peter Mueller
{1}Diehl Aerospace GmbH, Germany; {2}University of Stuttgart, Germany
UAS Pilot Performance Comparisons with Different Low Size, Weight and Power Sensor Ranges
Kevin Monk, Jillian Keeler, Conrad Rorie, Garrett Sadler, and Casey Smith
{1}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {2}San José State University / NASA Ames Research Center, United States
Onboard Communications
Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) QoS Measurements of an Ultra Wideband (UWB) Device for Low-Data Rate Transmissions
Ankit Dwivedi, Samuele Zoppi, Wolfgang Kellerer, Frank Neubauer, and Dominic Schupke
{1}Airbus, Germany; {2}Airbus, Central Research and Technology, Germany; {3}MCA Engineering GmbH, Germany; {4}Technical University of Munich, Germany
Pilot Factors
BDAM Model for Testing the Resistance of Air Force Pilots to Hypoxia
Jakub Vilser, Jan Boril, Vladimir Smrz, Jan Leuchter, and Erik Blasch
{1}Czech Air Force, Czech Rep.; {2}MOVEJ Analytics / Air Force Office of Scientific Research / Air Force Research Lab, United States; {3}University of Defence, Czech Rep.
Poster Session 1
Study of Power Electronics Design of the Incapacitating Device Based on the LED Technology
Lukas Hon, Jan Leuchter, Radim Bloudicek, Theodor Balaz, and Erik Blasch, and
{1}MOVEJ Analytics / Air Force Office of Scientific Research / Air Force Research Lab, United States; {2}University of Defence, Czech Rep.
Lost C2 Link Contingency Procedures for Seoul TMA and Assessment on Safety and Controller Workload
Hyeonwoong Lee, Seung-Hyun Park, Hak-Tae Lee, Bomi Park, and Jae-Hyun Han
{1}Inha University, Korea; {2}Korea Transport Institute, Korea
Flow Management - Efficient Airspace Operations
Analysis and Modeling of Air Traffic Trajectories Uncertainty in Chinese Airspace
Keyao Yu, Nan Kang, Kaiquan Cai, Wei Li, and Jiatong Chen
{1}Air Traffic Mangement Bureau, CAAC, China; {2}Beihang University, China
Model-based Development, Requirements
System Architecture Modeling for Electronic Systems Using MathWorks System Composer and Simulink
Christopher Watkins, Jerry Varghese, Michael Knight, Becky Petteys, and Jordan Ross
{1}Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, United States; {2}MathWorks, Inc., United States
HMI and ATCO Support
Human-Machine Interactions in Very-Low-Level UAS Operations and Traffic Management
Nichakorn Pongsakornsathien, Alessandro Gardi, Roberto Sabatini, Trevor Kistan, and Neta Ezer
{1}Northrop Grumman Corporation, United States; {2}RMIT University, Australia; {3}Thales, Australia
Communications for Drones, UAVs, and GA
Quality of Service Study in Synchronized Time-Triggered Aerial Networks
Nahman Tariq, Ivan Petrunin, Saba Al-Rubaye, Antonios Tsourdos, and Wolfram Zischka
{1}Cranfield University, United Kingdom; {2}TTTech, Austria
Positioning and Collision Avoidance
A Neuro-Inspired Approach to Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Navigation
Nikolaus Salvatore, Sami Mian, Collin Abidi, and Alan George
University of Pittsburgh, United States
Architecture Considerations
Automatic Synthesis of Information Flow Driven Execution Managers for Embedded Software Applications
Nikita Visnevski, Teresa Hubscher-Younger, Akshay Rajhans, and Baoluo Meng
{1}GE Global Research Center, United States; {2}GE Research, United States; {3}MathWorks, Inc., United States
Design Assurance 2
Unmanned Systems Health Analysis Through Evidential Reasoning Networks
Joel Dunham, Eric Johnson, Eric Feron, and Brian German
{1}Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; {2}Pennsylvania State University, United States
Comparing Different Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Flavors for LDACS
Nils Mäurer, Thomas Gräupl, Christoph Gentsch, and Corinna Schmitt
{1}German Aerospace Center, Germany; {2}Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Precise UWB-Based Localization for Aircraft Sensor Nodes
Cansu Gözde Karadeniz, Fabien Geyer, Thomas Multerer, and Dominic Schupke
{1}Airbus Central R&T, Germany; {2}Airbus, Central Research and Technology, Germany
Communication Considerations
SDR- and UAV-Based Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Testbed
Daniel Sommer, Ashok Irigireddy, Justin Parkhurst, and Eduardo Rojas Nastrucci
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States
Innovative Operational Demonstrations & Evaluations
ATD-2 Phase 3 Scheduling in a Metroplex Environment Incorporating Trajectory Option Sets
William Jeremy Coupe, Yoon Jung, Liang Chen, and Isaac Robeson
{1}Moffett Technologies Incorporated, United States; {2}Mosaic ATM, Inc., United States; {3}NASA Ames Research Center, United States
Formal Verification
Verification of an Airport Taxiway Path-Finding Algorithm
Siyuan He, Ke Du, Joshua Wilhelm, and Jean-Baptiste Jeannin
University of Michigan, United States
Displays II
Simulation Study of Technology for Predicted Flight Deck Alerting of Energy
Timothy Etherington, Lynda Kramer, Laura Smith-Velazquez, and Maarten Uijt de Haag
{1}Collins Aerospace, United States; {2}NASA Langley Research Center, United States; {3}Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Conflict Management
Learning-to-Fly RL: Reinforcement Learning-Based Collision Avoidance for Scalable Urban Air Mobility
Kuk Jin Jang, Yash Vardhan Pant, Alena Rodionova, and Rahul Mangharam
{1}University of California, Berkeley, United States; {2}University of Pennsylvania, United States
Advanced Concepts - Research and Technologies
Investigating Effects of Controlled Flights Through Fast-Time Simulation
Zhifan Zhu, Hanbong Lee, Vaishali Hosagrahara, and Yoon Jung
{1}KBR Wyle Services, LLC, United States; {2}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {3}Tellus Solutions, United States
Poster Session 2
Flight Procedures Automation: Towards Flight Autonomy in Manned Aircraft
Césár Álvarez, María Isabel González, and Alejandro Gracia
Airbus Defence and Space, Spain
Vision-Based State Estimation and Collision Alerts Generation for Detect-and-Avoid
Jaehyun Lee, Hanseob Lee, and David Hyunchul Shim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, United States
Coordination and Path Planning of Cooperative UAVs in RF Localization and Relay Network
Mary Martin, Michael Miller, and Eric Feron
Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Design Assurance 1
Validation of UAS Command and Control Link Switchover Internetworking and Security Requirements
Todd Kilbourne, Aloke Roy, and Frederick Wieland
{1}Honeywell, United States; {2}Mosaic ATM, Inc., United States
Future Communications
A New Spectrum Management Concept for Future NAS Communications
Rafael Apaza, Eric Knoblock, and Hongxiang Li
{1}NASA Glenn Research Center, United States; {2}University of Louisville, United States
Systems Engineering, Software Development, and Security
Incorporating Agile Methodologies Into DoD Software Sustainment Operations
Lacey Schley, Randa Shehab, and John Antonio
University of Oklahoma, United States
Hazard and Risk Assessment
Hazard Analysis of Verification Supporting Arguments for Assured Autonomy
Kimberly Wasson, Ashlie Hocking, and Jonathan Rowanhill
{1}Dependable Computing, LLC, United States; {2}Federated Safety, LLC, United States
UAS and Future Concepts
Human-System Interaction Issues and Proposed Solutions to Promote Successful Maturation of the UTM System
Cynthia Wolter, Lynne Martin, and Kimberly Jobe
{1}NASA Ames Research Center, United States; {2}San José State University / NASA Ames Research Center, United States
Unmanned, Autonomy, and UAM
Optimal Control Techniques for Heterogeneous UAV Swarms
Sami Mian, John Hill IV, and Zhi-Hong Mao
University of Pittsburgh, United States
Trajectory Classification
Clustering Aircraft Trajectories According to Air Traffic Controllers' Decisions
Sharmistha Chakrabarti, and Adan Ernesto Vela
University of Central Florida, United States
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management: a Comparsion on the FAA UTM and the European CORUS ConOps Based on U-Space
Joonas Lieb and Andreas Volkert
German Aerospace Center, Germany
Terminal Maneuvering Airspace Operations
Expedited Successive Departure Operation Concept and Initial Evaluations
Ralf H. Mayer and Dennis J. Zondervan
MITRE Corporation, United States
Emerging Trends & Technologies
Path Steering Error & Turn Analysis of Multiple Aircraft in the Current ECAC Fleet
David De Smedt and Ferdinand Behrend
{1}European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, Belgium; {2}Lufthansa Aviation Training, Germany
Fundamentals of Design Assurance
Bus Network Architecture- and Technology Optimisation for Avionic Systems
Martin Halle and Frank Thielecke
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Situational Awareness
Navigation-Aware Path Planning for Multiple UAVs in Urban Environment
Flavia Causa and Giancarmine Fasano
University of Naples, Federico II, Italy
Modeling and Analyses
Understanding General Aviation Accidents in Terms of Safety Systems
Justin Fuller and Loyd Hook
University of Tulsa, United States
Terrain Referenced Integrity Monitor for an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Precision Approach
Andrew Videmsek and Maarten Uijt de Haag
{1}General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., United States; {2}Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Image-Based Guidance of Autonomous Aircraft for Wildfire Surveillance and Prediction
Kyle D. Julian and Mykel J. Kochenderfer
Stanford University, United States
Cloud Detection System for UAV Sense and Avoid: Cloud Distance Estimation Using Triangulation
Adrian Dudek and Peter Stütz
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Multicore Processor Assurance and Nav Applications
Measuring the Impact of Interference Channels on Multicore Avionics
Steven VanderLeest and Samuel Thompson
{1}Rapita Systems Ltd., United Kingdom; {2}Rapita Systems, Inc., United States
Aviation Networks and Communication Resiliency
On the Vulnerability of Random Access Channels in Aeronautical Communications
Daniel Maximilian Mielke and Thomas Gräupl
German Aerospace Center, Germany
Urban Air Mobility
City-ATM – Live Drone Trials with Dynamic Geofencing
Alexander Kuenz
German Aerospace Center, Germany
Student Research Awards
1st Place
Adaptive Stress Testing of Trajectory Predictions in Flight Management Systems
Robert Moss, Stanford University
2nd Place
Communications and High-Precision Positioning (CHP2): Enabling Secure CNS and APNT for Safety-Critical Air Transport Systems
Sharanya Srinivas, Arizona State University
3rd Place
Image-Based Guidance of Autonomous Aircraft for Wildfire Surveillance and Prediction
Kyle Julian, Stanford University
Runtime Safety Assurance Using Reinforcement Learning
Christopher Lazarus, Stanford University